Mission Men Podcast
A show about Nothing, Everything and Anything in between!
Mission Men Podcast
Mission Men: Boomer vs. Gen Z
When allergies strike and canines conspire, who knew that the result would be a country music sensation? Buckle up for a whirlwind of hilarity as we join Buke Lion, who takes us along on his accidental tumble into the world of twangs and tunes. Buke's misadventures with his dog and allergies sparked a comedic goldmine, culminating in the cheeky anthem "John's Dog." You'll get to experience the quirky charm and laugh-out-loud moments as we dissect Buke's lyrical storytelling and witness his spontaneous performance - complete with a tongue-in-cheek acceptance speech that's sure to entertain.
As if that weren't enough, we're also your linguistic lifeguards, diving into the frantic sea of modern slang. Ever felt like a fish out of water when someone says "no cap" or calls someone a "simp"? We're here to demystify these confounding colloquialisms and even take a nostalgic trip down the vocabulary vault, revisiting phrases that might conjure up memories of yesteryears. Wrapping things up, we channel the essence of what it means to be Mission Men and Women, leaving you with a sense of connection and a hefty dose of good vibes. Join us and add a spark of joy and a dash of enlightenment to your day!
Credits and Info:
Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
Music: Brandon Matias
Produced by: Mission Media Group
Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
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Welcome to the Mission Men Podcast brought to you by Mission Media Group, the Mission Men Podcast. The podcast about nothing and everything and everything in between how we doing fellas.
Speaker 2:I'm doing great.
Speaker 1:How are you, Brandon? Oh wow.
Speaker 3:John is ready. Again I don't know what you just ate, or drank or well, I ate small.
Speaker 2:Four children, let's just not do that, Alright.
Speaker 1:So there you have it, John. This is a little focus on you here, A little shout out to you. So we've been hearing, you know there's been a lot of rumblings going on that you're, you know, kind of trying to make a name for yourself a little bit in the music industry.
Speaker 2:Yep, yes, indeed. Yeah, I actually discovered that I had a hidden talent, and more so than a talent, a gift. That is just 100% and that is to sing country music.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, so so walk us through it. So what really kind of led you to this revelation, down this path?
Speaker 2:So I'm allergic to dogs. What, what I am.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 3:And so I'm all dogs, all dogs. Regardless if they're hyperelegic or not, yep Doesn't matter.
Speaker 2:But not my dogs. But I am allergic to dogs and my dog ran away, but because I'm allergic to them, I forced it to run away.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:From that I created what I think is probably, I mean, top five on the billboards right now. Okay, so?
Speaker 1:so let me get this straight 100%. So you got into country because you're allergic to dogs, correct, okay, so okay. That's all I needed to know. Okay, so walk us through this process. How did you make this song? Well, first of all, what's the song? What's?
Speaker 3:the song.
Speaker 2:John's Dog. I hired someone in California to come up with that name. Really, they charged a lot of money, okay.
Speaker 3:Come up with the name of the song.
Speaker 2:But I'm willing to pay for that. Wow, that's it.
Speaker 1:Okay, so that's it, but you wrote the rest of the song, so you just I know I didn't write the song.
Speaker 2:I came up with it on the spot, because it's that good.
Speaker 3:But you wrote that's writing the song, no, I freestyle it on the mic. But that's still writing Well verbally writing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, verbal writing.
Speaker 1:Okay, so let me get this straight. So somebody gave you the title, that you paid them to give you the title, and then you just freestyled about this dog that you forced out of your life.
Speaker 3:Correct, okay, you forced the dog out of your life.
Speaker 2:Forced Kicked actually. You can hear it in the song.
Speaker 3:We have this track. You did it ready to go, right, yeah, so what's your artist?
Speaker 1:name. Sorry, is it just John? We don't want to see your last name oh yeah, Book Lion.
Speaker 3:Okay, all right, all right. Okay, all right, so you want to introduce your hit single. Yeah To the world.
Speaker 2:Man, I just want to give a huge shout out right now to, I mean, a lot of people specifically Toran Wells.
Speaker 1:Short intro Short intro.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, so this one goes out to you. It's what? Is this your acceptance speech.
Speaker 1:You didn't want anything.
Speaker 3:You're just setting up the song.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right, I'm going to need one of Denel's Emmys, all right. So yeah, let's just sing. Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:Okay, we're going to teach you how to set up a song. How to set up a song Right, you go ahead, so you basically say hey, folks, what you want you to listen to my new song called John's Dog. This means a lot to me, or what blah, blah, blah blah, I learned folks All right. Here's the grand. Here's the grand Book Lion. What was the last one? What was it? Book Lion, book Lion, book Lion, yeah, yeah, book Lion.
Speaker 2:This is Book Lion John's Dog Book.
Speaker 3:Coming at you. Oh yeah, Gotta say coming at you.
Speaker 2:Coming at you.
Speaker 3:Yeah, at you.
Speaker 2:At you.
Speaker 3:Alive. Here's the world premiere.
Speaker 2:I use premiere World, premiere let's play it All right.
Speaker 1:Here we go, john Book Lion, book Lion.
Speaker 3:Book Okay, you're singing. Yes, you're singing, yeah.
Speaker 4:What Book?
Speaker 2:What? Yeah, baby, my dog ran away and I won't be in the desert and I was sitting there the whole day Searching for dog, my shoes I left them on the floor and my dog.
Speaker 4:I just need more. What is left? My shoes in the back, In the back of my room.
Speaker 2:It's for you, Rick.
Speaker 1:He should try tuning his guitar.
Speaker 4:No sir.
Speaker 2:So don't leave me, oh dog, just hold up, patrick, you're a bigot, I get a ballhorn. I just need you, but his guitar was not doing.
Speaker 4:Well, don't leave me, just stay, darling. My dog ran away. Now I'm in this old rain. I was sitting here like the whole day Searching for dogs.
Speaker 3:Okay, alright, okay, is that it. It's beautiful.
Speaker 2:Did you hear that first right here, alright.
Speaker 1:I've got a lot more questions than answers, so let's start with the first one. I got a lot more hits than answers, fair enough. So wait, isn't this your first song, your world premiere?
Speaker 2:There's more to come. Buddy, Alright, alright, alright.
Speaker 1:Let's kind of break this down a little bit. So you're kind of telling two different stories here and I'm kind of at an impasse here. I don't know what story you're telling. First, you're telling me you're super allergic to this dog, so you kicked it, you got rid of it. But in this song all you're doing is crying that you miss him.
Speaker 2:Well, the reason is is I have what's called reverse psychology. What?
Speaker 1:No, Paul, this is a real thing. I've heard of this. Okay, go ahead, John. What is reverse psychology?
Speaker 2:It's where you psych someone reverse, okay. And the thing is here is, this is what we call hook. If I can grab your attention by talking about my dog, you won't leave. Now, the dog might leave, but you're going to stay. Wow, and what I really care about is that the viewers, the listeners, are going to stay.
Speaker 1:The dog ran away. So you're saying to listeners stay, stay listeners roll over, stay sit.
Speaker 3:Okay, all right, then what Then? What happens after you have them?
Speaker 2:Then after I have them, then that's just more money in my pocket from the song and the views. Okay.
Speaker 3:How many views and streams do you have so far?
Speaker 2:Well, I've showed it to about 15 people 15 views. So that's 15. And now and now I've shown it to 15 people.
Speaker 1:So about seven, yeah, eight people didn't listen.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so 17, now Okay, 17 views, okay All right.
Speaker 1:So is this on any like radio charts or any country charts anywhere Are?
Speaker 2:you familiar with billboards?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I know what billboard dial when you see them on the street Is that what you're talking about, like billboard. Billboards on the street that you drive by no, I think there's like a billboard magazine like the billboard charts the billboard chart.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, the billboard charts Correct.
Speaker 2:Correct has it been on the billboard charts, absolutely, it has for months.
Speaker 1:Really Years actually, didn't it just come out the song?
Speaker 2:Yeah, earlier this year.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, okay.
Speaker 3:So it's been on the billboard charts for years, years.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but jokes aside, mission media will never produce something that terrible for you.
Speaker 3:We will.
Speaker 1:Let's clarify that right now. We will always make sure that it's not a mission media group affiliation that was a John freeze.
Speaker 3:Just letting you know without there that this is not what we do. No, okay, so obviously we've been.
Speaker 1:If you couldn't tell already, this has been a all of a joke. What Well, reverse psychology, john. So, stay, stay. So that's really good, thank you.
Speaker 2:You need to get the sound effects back.
Speaker 1:That's the previous episode. Wrong episode, but no, we you know, I think so. You seriously, though you improved that whole thing, like right there in the spot.
Speaker 3:Yeah, okay, now that's, I'm not gonna lie. That's impressive. That's impressive.
Speaker 1:I know some singers that can't remember the next line of the song.
Speaker 4:I think that if I was a worship, leader, I think spontaneous would be my specialty.
Speaker 3:Honestly, I, you, you do have like a natural gift for like melody and like coming out of the church.
Speaker 2:I think that's a good thing. I think that's a good thing.
Speaker 1:Honestly, I, you, you do have like a natural gift for like melody and like coming up with things on the spot.
Speaker 3:No, you're, I'm serious. Like yeah, that's not, I'm giving you.
Speaker 1:I mean, obviously we've been having a lot of fun with John. Bookline or what.
Speaker 2:It's a book lion, book lion. Right Got to get it twisted with Luke Bryan.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, now it makes sense.
Speaker 2:Totally different artists. No for sure Got it. I'm just. You know you're talented though.
Speaker 1:Thank you, I appreciate that. Yeah, no, cause I I can't come up with stuff that fast.
Speaker 3:I can't. I have to like sit down and write it out, plot it out, right yeah, and even then it's not good.
Speaker 2:I was showing some guy who tried to get into country music that song actually, and he was like this is so stupid that you wrote a country song that actually sounds decent within 10 minutes. And I spent 10 years of living in Nashville and never made one hit song.
Speaker 1:Well, there you go. That's really funny. I felt kind of bad but I laughed, but I mean it's just, I just love people that can just like kind of come up with funny stuff like that, makeup stuff, yeah, yeah On the spot. It's really funny, I wish.
Speaker 2:I could make up stuff randomly.
Speaker 1:You just did, you just did.
Speaker 4:That's what that was.
Speaker 2:I wish I could be random. That was pretty random. But my brain is just so smart. I have a very photogenic system in order way of doing things. I'm more so geared to talking about something specific, never random.
Speaker 1:Well, speaking of language, we came up with an idea that we thought would be something pretty fun, paul. So what we're going to do here is, as we've mentioned, if this is the first time, checking out. Paul is a seasoned veteran in life.
Speaker 2:I'm going to say seasoned potato. I don't know why.
Speaker 1:Seasoned potato.
Speaker 2:Paul, there you go, seasoned potato.
Speaker 1:I'm now a course of a meal. It's a seasoned potato, oh no.
Speaker 2:You're not just, you're a full entre.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 3:God, oh, there you go, here we go.
Speaker 1:We thought it would be really fun. We came up with a quiz for you. We actually got it from somewhere. We didn't come up with it. A quiz for me, a quiz for you, wow yeah. So we want to know how in tune you are with the slang of our youth, of today's youth. So, and again, I'm actually going to be taking this quiz too, because I don't know how I'm going to do, because I am 36 years old.
Speaker 3:Okay, so if I don't know, then I'll pass it on to you.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's fair.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely Yeet no caps. Gert Gjert.
Speaker 1:What See exactly. So, john, do you want to go ahead and here?
Speaker 3:we go Quiz me, quiz me.
Speaker 1:So this is going to be.
Speaker 3:This is my Gen Z quiz. Your Gen Z quiz, gen Z quiz?
Speaker 1:Yeah so we thought this would be a fun way just to help you relate.
Speaker 3:Let people know how old I really am Exactly there you go, not relate yeah.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:All right.
Speaker 2:So we need to do a 10 page consent waiver.
Speaker 3:I'm just kidding. Sure, I can send.
Speaker 2:Okay, go for it. That's not safe to do around me.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:Question 1 out of 10.
Speaker 3:Okay, 1 out of 10. Here we go.
Speaker 2:Which of the following is another word for uncool? Okay, a Skirt B Chugy 3. Bet. Okay, okay, so we're going to be going to the next one. Okay, so we're going to be going to the next one. Okay, so we're going to be going to the next one.
Speaker 3:Repeat Skirt Chuggy and bet skirt as in skirt Chuggy, like the rhymes with a luke to be fair, chuggy means so hopefully that's not in the last one is what?
Speaker 2:bet, bet. I'm gonna go with bet. The correct answer Was Chuggy.
Speaker 1:Chuggy bet bet is good when you say bet, I'll be honest, I've never heard of the word. I've never heard of the word. Okay, so you're Gen Z, I don't even know.
Speaker 2:Okay, chuggy means hopefully it's nothing bad or derogative Well maybe means uncool, so okay something slaps as if excellent or amazing? That's weird. They gave me like six ops. Okay, I'm sorry, I wrote this. What are we talking about? Okay, um, if something slaps, is it excellent or amazing? I'm sorry, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go with the first one.
Speaker 3:Excellent and amazing. Excellent or amazing slaps. It's laps, you're correct. Yeah, you have a sound effect for that.
Speaker 1:I don't like it.
Speaker 2:Perfect.
Speaker 4:There we go, that's my favorite one.
Speaker 2:All right, that could definitely be the buzzer for no.
Speaker 1:That's my favorite one. All right, that could definitely be the buzzer for no for sure. Yeah, all right, we got um what does snatched mean?
Speaker 2:snatched stolen fierce or on point, or Exhausted.
Speaker 3:I'm gonna go with fierce and on point Correct your hair is snatched correct.
Speaker 2:Thank you, yes, let's do it. Hey, which of the following means a look or style that is extremely fashionable?
Speaker 3:a look or style that is extremely fashionable bussin bet drip drip, that's trip.
Speaker 2:That's correct.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I know that sir because torn wells used to that the devil war.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:Oh, so this is recent.
Speaker 3:This is recent they're drippy, and that's how I knew it was if it ain't torn, it's boring. There we go.
Speaker 2:What does no cap mean?
Speaker 3:No cap, no lie for real Chill without stress or not cool, you know what it's so funny, because we had this conversation in the green room with Laney and you and I don't remember what the question answer is.
Speaker 2:So no cap is the word no cap, yeah, no lie, for real chill or without stress, not cool.
Speaker 3:I'm gonna go be chill, without stress.
Speaker 2:No, it means no lie. For real, you're alive for no cap.
Speaker 3:Yeah, explain the association with okay, brandon.
Speaker 2:Tell me that. Tell me that you have that you're a male.
Speaker 1:I am a male no cap that means no lie.
Speaker 3:No, but how does the word associate with cap, the cap so?
Speaker 2:here's the. I don't actually know the the breakdown of how this works, but I I associate it to this. No, cap is in lower case, cap is in high case. Upper case Whoops, high case. I'm special reverse psychology reverse I got, I'm, so I'm school Upper case, lower case, lower case. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to act a certain way, you don't have to Fake to be uppercase. It's real.
Speaker 3:You know what you're over explaining this. So much that, okay Next question.
Speaker 2:next question You'll forget it. Remember that one Don't we talk about on the podcast. I totally forget what the right answer was that'll be next time.
Speaker 3:I exactly you have. You have to bring it up again in a future episode.
Speaker 1:I remember Paul, you're doing pretty good, though Honestly you are, yeah, kind of a streak.
Speaker 2:Hey.
Speaker 3:Hey, keep it going.
Speaker 2:Which one of the following words is an insult for men who are seen as being too submissive to women.
Speaker 3:Being too submissive to work.
Speaker 2:Okay, go for it vibing Simp or okay, boomer simp man, you were fast on that. Don't leave me what is. Hits different mean hits different hits different right weird or unusual, confusing or nonsensical, has a marked effect or influence.
Speaker 3:The last the last one.
Speaker 2:Correct man Wow.
Speaker 3:Wow, wow, are you really?
Speaker 2:57? I don't know, are you fairly, are you?
Speaker 4:I don't know.
Speaker 1:This is are you.
Speaker 2:I am, are you, I am?
Speaker 3:all right.
Speaker 2:Go for it. What's the following means? I've got the point you've got the basically what you should have told me when I said are you? Hmm, about eight times. Okay, I gotta reread the question, please. Which of the following means I've got the point. Low key say less cap.
Speaker 3:Okay, say that again. You got the point I've got the point. If the word point, we're looking, you're out here.
Speaker 1:The whole phrase. The whole phrase.
Speaker 2:I've got the point correct.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:I got got the point. Well, it'll low key Say less, cap B Say less. Yeah, it's correct. Sound effect if someone's listening to this in the car. We're so sorry if you're wearing Apple headphones.
Speaker 1:Or studio driving.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you get scared, you know, road trip with your sweet loving family and your child just. I can, I can all right.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:Go for it. What does bet mean? Bet Cool, I'm down. No lie or not cool.
Speaker 3:Give me the choices again, cool.
Speaker 2:I'm down, no lie, hey, I'm down, that's that one's nice.
Speaker 1:Unfortunately, I know that a little too close to the heart but I don't want to explain why right now.
Speaker 2:But okay, which of the following means relaxing or tapping into good feelings bussin vibing, snatched, relaxed, say it again. Or tapping into good feelings, relaxed.
Speaker 3:Relax, tapping into good feelings. Okay, give me the course bussin vibing snatched. Vibing, you're correct.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 4:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:Later.
Speaker 3:Let's not do that out of ten, paul. Wow, I'm shocked. Okay, I've got one. I got something for John.
Speaker 1:Oh, excited, all right.
Speaker 2:So this is. I can't read that.
Speaker 3:I'm gonna turn it here. Okay, don't cheat. I know you would.
Speaker 2:You would cheat, I would cheat. I cheated all throughout high school to graduate, no joke.
Speaker 1:Don't say that on no cat, they know it.
Speaker 2:You want to hear a story real quick. At my graduation which I was homeschooled, so my graduation ceremony was for people Went to a co-op we met once a week. This is very dumb, but we, when we graduated, we had the ceremony. It was like two hours long for people. What's the math there? Boring.
Speaker 2:So, we were there at the celebration was sitting on stage, cap and gown and the guy who was talking to everybody it was like man, it's been a great year, raise your hand if you've ever cheated. And I was like me. And no one else raised their hand but me and I was like you liars. And then he was like I'm just kidding, you don't have to raise your. And he looks back and my hand was raised. I was like whatever.
Speaker 3:There you go. Yeah, no, I cheated throughout all high school had to redo.
Speaker 2:Algebra had to redo. I Don't know the other maths, but I cheated all through hence why you had to repeat.
Speaker 3:All right, so that you don't, is it? These are not. These are not multiple choice. Okay, okay, cool, you just have to tell me what it is okay when you hear the word.
Speaker 1:So what is this is?
Speaker 4:from my air oh.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay, so this is cool, see if you know what these phrases are. Oh, I love it. Okay, here we go ready, mm-hmm. So, john Paul, if I say the term Rolodex, what is a Rolodex?
Speaker 2:It's not a watch.
Speaker 3:No, that would be a role. So what is a Rolodex? If I say how I'm gonna, I'm gonna check, check my Rolodex. Um what do you think that means?
Speaker 2:It's has something to do with your brain, like your memory, but it's not your memory. It's not your physical thing, like a tangible item. It is a physical thing and it's like a calendar to-do list, but not really if he does it.
Speaker 1:I wanted to try to. I want to see if I get these all right.
Speaker 3:Is that what you're going with you? Have you given me an answer yet?
Speaker 2:Oh, that's all I know.
Speaker 1:Okay okay, so it was like a circular Way of keeping information. I can't remember if it was like names or numbers, whatever your phone numbers.
Speaker 3:Okay, and you would turn it like a Rolodex. It was a Rolodex.
Speaker 1:Gotcha and so, yeah, that's cool, there we go. So because your, your dad, says Rolodex all the time, that's why yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, I got another one for you, john, okay.
Speaker 3:From my era again. What are the yellow pages?
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, this is where your phone numbers were, everybody's phone number.
Speaker 3:No, specifically, what were the yellow pages?
Speaker 1:What was it just job like businesses, the business yellow pages businesses only yellow page that was only in the yellow page and the white pages were just the regular phone Numbers. Regular phone numbers.
Speaker 3:Hmm, yeah, you will know this. I'm gonna give it to you anyway. Okay, what a boombox. Oh.
Speaker 2:That's that thing that you throw and fortnight in it takes down all the builds. Are you serious?
Speaker 1:that was really is what is out.
Speaker 3:Your answer is for real.
Speaker 2:No, I'm just. That is something they added in fortnight, but in real life that is a big speaker that you would carry around on your shoulder right.
Speaker 3:There we go.
Speaker 2:There we go and if you play that in the hood, you would got shot.
Speaker 4:Yes, there we go.
Speaker 3:Okay so I.
Speaker 2:Speak from non-experience. What is Tang Tang Tang? Well, it's opposite of bang.
Speaker 1:For starters quite but go ahead reverse psychology.
Speaker 2:It is Spicy, for sure, and it is sour as well, but it is more specifically a drink from Jamaica Dang. That's Ting actually, but you're you act.
Speaker 3:Actually we're kind of close.
Speaker 2:Tang. Is it drink so Tang?
Speaker 1:was a drink in the 60s and 70s.
Speaker 3:It was this orange stuff and you'd put it in some water and you stir it up.
Speaker 1:Dude, were you just making that up? Like just I was surprised you got that close.
Speaker 2:Ting is an actual soda that's orange and green and drink. I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:But that's Tang. Was this nasty?
Speaker 1:it was called the drink that astronauts remember that was part of the commercial Gotcha. That's cool, that's funny.
Speaker 2:Alright, alright, go Tang I know, what the Wu Tang is.
Speaker 3:Guess if you can tell me what the minimum wage was in 1980, the minimum wage yes, four milk gallons. Do you know what the minimum wage is right now? Hold on, do you realize? It's money?
Speaker 4:I wish I was making it. It's money, yeah, I know.
Speaker 2:Okay so I do have a job, okay, so what?
Speaker 3:do you think the minimum wage was in?
Speaker 2:1980? Just a couple of years ago, wasn't it just 12? So probably four or five, five, three dollars.
Speaker 3:Four was close Three dollars. Three dollars was the minimum wage.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:That's close. Okay, so another one is what is a light bright?
Speaker 2:A light bright.
Speaker 1:Light bright not a bright light, but a light bright. I'm actually gonna get this from my daughter for a birthday. I'm not even joking.
Speaker 3:It's coming back. Yeah, it's a yes.
Speaker 2:Does it shine into your room? Wall on your bedroom and like a star in the sky.
Speaker 4:No, no. No.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I'll let Brandon answer.
Speaker 1:So it's like this little thing that illuminates and you it's almost. Have you played the game battleship? Yeah, it's like you get those little pieces and you plug them into these holes and they light up in a certain way and you can create different patterns and stuff.
Speaker 2:They did it in stranger things yeah.
Speaker 3:Yes, the light bright. Yeah, exactly, that's light bright.
Speaker 2:That's crazy because they encapsulate in 1980s Perfect, perfect.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, I had that as a kid.
Speaker 3:Yep, all right, how about this one? What is Aquanet? Aquanet.
Speaker 2:So when you're a scuba diver you don't have a lot of time to do much, but then scrolling on the web is fun. Let's see when you're underwater, there's not a lot you can do without taking your PC under there, which results in a very bad, malfunctioning system. Mm-hmm Aquanet Wi-Fi underwater.
Speaker 3:No, what about you?
Speaker 1:I don't know this one. Honestly I don't. It was hairspray.
Speaker 3:Hairspray oh, and, it was hairspray called Aquanet I use hairspray.
Speaker 2:Actually Do you Relax?
Speaker 3:I'll give you a couple more and then we'll Tastes great, we'll, we'll call it Tastes great, moving on. Okay, let's move on. What is?
Speaker 2:an Atari. That is the last airbender.
Speaker 3:You say all this stuff with such a straight face that I can't even.
Speaker 2:I can't, no moves earth, wind and fire. Do you remember Every night at first day?
Speaker 4:Not the right lyrics. Atari, oh, it's not right.
Speaker 1:Atari. Lexi gets mad at me. That is a video game console. Oh you're right.
Speaker 3:One of the very first video game consoles Before pre-Nintendo. All right, and the very last one.
Speaker 2:Pre-X box Drum roll, no, no, that's close to a drum roll.
Speaker 3:That's close enough. What is a View Master?
Speaker 1:So, I can totally see what he's making up.
Speaker 2:He's trying to rip for me when you go to Gatlinburg and you're on the porch and you see a nice view. You can only watch that for so long. That's why there has to be a View Master, to make sure that the views are mastered in a good time.
Speaker 3:No, how about you, Brandon?
Speaker 2:Is it that?
Speaker 1:little red toy that you put in the circular pictures and then you click it and then it goes.
Speaker 3:Exactly it. And you go click, click. It was a whole story that you would watch.
Speaker 1:Yes, that was our version of video games.
Speaker 2:That's cool.
Speaker 3:When we watch a video. We didn't have videos when we were little In the early 70s. It was a View Master.
Speaker 2:Sounds better than what I had. All I had was VeggieTales.
Speaker 3:Well, VeggieTales is probably better than that yeah. Because View Masters couldn't talk. All you could do was imagine, right, just had to use your imagination.
Speaker 1:Use your imagination.
Speaker 3:And I think back in the day that's what we did a lot. Yeah, we had imaginary friends all the time.
Speaker 2:I have imaginary friends, yeah.
Speaker 3:Do you and your Gen Z and your Gen Z here with imaginary friends?
Speaker 2:Joey, not now.
Speaker 3:Oh gosh. Thank Joey All right, I guess we're gonna wrap this thing up.
Speaker 1:All right, cool Awesome.
Speaker 3:That was great, that was a lot of fun.
Speaker 1:I think I'm actually surprised, paul, how well you did, and then-.
Speaker 3:I'm surprised how well I did.
Speaker 2:And then John, you knew a couple too, you knew a couple. I mean, I'm pretty smart.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're pretty smart.
Speaker 2:Some may say that my mommy says I'm smart.
Speaker 1:Some may think not that All right.
Speaker 3:So yeah, let's go. This is great. This is great Good episode. This is great episode. I felt great. This felt good Mission Men podcast.
Speaker 2:I think next time we need to hear Paul say-.
Speaker 3:Coming to a close.
Speaker 2:Say what I think. Next time we need to hear Paul sing.
Speaker 3:No no, no, no, no, no, no, that'll never happen.
Speaker 4:That'll never never, happen.
Speaker 3:I'll play for you, but I'll never All right, wrapping up. All right, john take us out.
Speaker 4:Ladies and gentlemen, it's been such a great time with you here at Mission Men podcast. I hope you learned a valuable lesson. We can't wait to see you next time and, as always, be Mission Men and women and more and more. Oh King Julian, I love your feet, get off my feet, okay, bye.
Speaker 1:Your Big Bird impression is so good that's.
Speaker 2:King Julian, I'm choking, I'm choking, I got that neck.