Mission Men Podcast
A show about Nothing, Everything and Anything in between!
Mission Men Podcast
Mission Men: Especially Special Christmas Special
Have you ever been caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, just to realize that you've lost touch with the true spirit of Christmas? Join us on a journey that reignites the joy, love, and generosity that the season is really about. From testing John's Christmas movie knowledge to heartwarming gift exchanges between your hosts, this episode is filled with fun, laughter, and a hint of nostalgia.
What's more hilarious than a Christmas gift exchange where the aim is to get the worst possible gifts for each other? Amidst all the laughter, we share personal experiences, including a story about helping a stranded family on Christmas day, and discuss how such small gestures can significantly impact someone's life. We remind ourselves and our listeners about the importance of reaching out to those who may feel lonely during the holidays, emphasizing the true essence of Christmas: love and generosity.
As we unwrap our comically terrible gifts, we also uncover the joy and warmth of Christmas. We talk about our childhood memories, the happiness of giving, and the unexpected acts of kindness we've received during the Christmas season. This episode is not just about sharing laughs and spreading holiday cheer, it's about inspiring each one of us to be mission-driven individuals, to observe our surroundings, and to seize every opportunity to make a positive impact on someone's life. We hope you enjoy this special episode as much as we enjoyed creating it for you.
Credits and Info:
Hosts: Brandon Matias, Paul Wright III and John Frease
Music: Brandon Matias
Produced by: Mission Media Group
Email: info@missionmediagroup.co
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Mission Men's podcast, brought to you by Mission Media Group. Mission Men podcast. The podcast about nothing, everything and just a little bit of everything in between. So we got a great, great Merry Christmas episode for you today. Man, we got yeah, we got a great episode. I'm really excited about this. We actually weren't even going to have an episode. Yes, because of just scheduling release dates and all that stuff. But we actually chose. We're like, hey, let's come in specifically what is today, the 15th?
Speaker 3:Today is the 17th, 17th, 17th.
Speaker 1:It's a day in December before Christmas. And so we have come here. We specifically wanted to film a special episode for you guys, just because we didn't want to miss a release.
Speaker 4:So yeah, here we are Spoiler, we have savings on buying you each a gift.
Speaker 1:I hope not, okay. So let's go ahead and jump into that. We got guys. I'm serious. Today's episode is going to be so fun. So today, what we're going to do is we have so. For those of you who listened to the first podcast, john has self-admitted.
Speaker 3:I don't have a lot. Admit a, admit a. Admit a. I don't have what you're claiming. I have.
Speaker 4:Sometimes Admit a admit a I don't have a girl. Really Admit a, admit a.
Speaker 1:So today's episode, john has admitted. Admit that you know he doesn't really know a whole lot about pop culture and things from his. Yeah, and I'm ready for you too, oh gosh. So today, what we're going to do is we're going to give John a Christmas movie quiz, and we want you guys to play along with us and to. We're going to give him quotes from famous movies and he's got to tell us what Christmas movie it's from, and we're going to see, actually, how unsheltered he is.
Speaker 1:Well, hey, before we do that, Before we do that, I'm giving an outline of the show.
Speaker 3:Oh, you're giving the whole outline. Yeah, okay, I'll let you keep rolling, keep rolling. No, no, no, no, go for it.
Speaker 1:And then we're going to have a little good discussion. Then we had gifts for each other.
Speaker 4:Oh.
Speaker 1:So we specifically wanted to give gifts, Expensive gifts. And we'll talk about that. It's going to be the best gift exchange ever, so please, please, stick around for that. But yes, paul, sorry.
Speaker 3:No, no, no. I was just going to say you know, this is our special podcast that we're doing for Christmas. We want to thank all the people that watched or listened. They didn't watch it, they listened to the first podcast.
Speaker 4:Oh, thank you Because we had a great response. Yeah, we did A lot of people. Shockingly, shockingly.
Speaker 3:Yes, we have a great response.
Speaker 4:People were texting us and saying hey, dude, this is good, let's go.
Speaker 3:You know, this is really good.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and what's cool is because we have the age dynamic. We have here is we had everybody from like 20 to my grandma, like 86 years old. Oh, my mom was 85. She listened to it Right, did your mom listen? My mom listened to it, she listened to it. Shout out to mom.
Speaker 3:She was like oh, this is to your podcast. No, she didn't say what she liked it or not. Wow, she did tell me that she listened.
Speaker 4:No, I think she's a hater. I think she liked it. That's tough.
Speaker 3:Which was really cool. I mean, we had, you know some cool people responding to us.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's what I'm saying. We had everybody. It was all over the map. I know that's what was cool about it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it makes sense because we have three different people representing three different generations here, handsome people, oh, absolutely, I would not disagree with you there. But so we want to take a quick second and just say, if you happen to listen to our first podcast, we'd really really appreciate if you just take a second to like, share and like rate the podcast. I know some awesome people like Emily and Lainey said that they rated it five stars after I paid them, so it was great. No, but no, seriously, we just really appreciate you guys so much and please leave us comments, feedback. Yeah, dm us DM.
Speaker 3:Us Admission mid podcast on our Instagram.
Speaker 2:Absolutely Media.
Speaker 4:Yeah, repost us Share us. Oh, and you can leave us an email.
Speaker 3:Then we'll leave us an email at info at mission media groupco.
Speaker 4:Dude, we have an email we have an email.
Speaker 3:We have an official email, yeah.
Speaker 1:We're legit man. I'm so proud of us that's what we're talking about.
Speaker 3:So here's the funny part. When I sent the podcast out to everybody, the one thing that I said well is it set to? Your expectations are really low.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 3:That way, at least if we bomb. You didn't expect anything Exactly.
Speaker 1:Listen and the words of Kevin James the lower your expectations, the happier you'll be. There. You go, there you go. But no. So we're super excited about this, guys, and we're really more excited about your response. We just appreciate you taking your time to listen and we're just going to do our best to keep creating really, really great content. And actually too, if you want to DM us something about, like, you want us to talk about something, or a show idea, a show idea please.
Speaker 3:Maybe we'll have this person on.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, we can phone in and we can have you on Questions. Absolutely Send them out. For little ones, send us questions and show topics.
Speaker 1:We are open. Yeah, so, guys, it is Christmas time. Yes, it is, if you have not noticed, and so just real quick, rapid fire. John, what's your favorite thing about Christmas?
Speaker 4:Well, I like food Right now. Food is harder to come by living on my own. Yeah.
Speaker 2:I eat jingle bells.
Speaker 4:The metal tastes great when it's cold. But yeah, I like food and mom makes really good cinnamon rolls. She makes good casserole. I like that.
Speaker 1:Anything with a roll.
Speaker 4:Yeah, anything with food that doesn't cost me money is nice. Living on my own has shown me that more and more so this Christmas, I'll be sure to live it up.
Speaker 1:I wonder if there's a scientific study that proves that free food tastes better.
Speaker 3:Oh, for sure. Free food absolutely tastes better, but you don't have to pay for it. Oh my gosh, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:It's 10 times better. Paul, what's your favorite part of Christmas?
Speaker 3:You know, I have to kind of say the same thing Because we get together as a family. And it's all about food and football.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what we do.
Speaker 3:We do it for Thanksgiving, we do it for Christmas, but what we do for Christmas is we have an all seafood Christmas. So we have lobster tail and scallops and shrimp and crab and salmon and Okay, tell me the origin of that.
Speaker 1:How did that come about? We were just sick of turkey.
Speaker 3:We were like as a family, we were like if we have to eat turkey, you want Because you eat it. So Right, thanksgiving just happened. Right, who wants to eat a turkey? You just finished the one and now you're going to cook another one.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:So we just got sick of turkey and ham and we're like, okay, we're doing something completely different and it's been our tradition for the past. I guess it's been about five, six, seven years now Christmas catfish.
Speaker 4:It's been our thing. It's been our thing. What was that? What Christmas catfish is busting.
Speaker 3:We don't do catfish. Well, we do do catfish.
Speaker 4:But we don't. I don't know if we haven't done catfish at our cr it's disgusting you said. Catfish is gross. Someone told me they drink water from a catfish and they boil it. It's like a drink.
Speaker 3:Well, here's the deal. I think people can cook catfish really good and really bad. So there you go, but we still have the mac and cheese. Ok, but it's all seafood.
Speaker 4:You said oh, mac and cheese is disgusting, are you? Where are you from my mom?
Speaker 1:OK, Note to self don't invite John to Christmas.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:John will not be getting the invite.
Speaker 4:I hate mac and cheese.
Speaker 3:You hate mac and cheese.
Speaker 4:So cheese when it's like melted and queso-y or grilled cheese is just like disgusting to me.
Speaker 3:Well, queso-y cheese I get. I mean, I don't like queso.
Speaker 1:That's disgusting.
Speaker 3:The way you just described cheese.
Speaker 1:I feel like 99% of Americans would say that sounds amazing. Like that sounds incredible.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I've thrown up before from it just this little. Are you serious? Are you lactose intolerant? No, I love toast. I mean I'm not lactose.
Speaker 1:I don't like toast. I love toast. Where were I? Wait? Did you say toast or toast?
Speaker 4:Toast. Ok, good, thank you OK.
Speaker 2:I should make a shirt. That's making sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Moving on.
Speaker 4:Sorry, I did that one Moving on quickly.
Speaker 1:OK, so quickly. My favorite thing about Christmas it's definitely changed over the last couple of years Me having some. I have three kids under the age of nine, so just getting to see their perspective of Christmas, getting to see them excited, man, it just brings a whole new like excitement about Christmas, but they're super excited to Christmas morning. Oh man, yeah, and just like and I love teasing them I'm like, hey, I just got all your shopping done. They're like what is it? I'm like, can't tell you.
Speaker 3:So do they know? Do they know that you're doing the shopping?
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm like oh hey, I just got all your presents. I totally tease them.
Speaker 3:Do you lie to them about Santa Claus? Do they know about Santa or not know about Santa?
Speaker 1:No, I don't do Santa.
Speaker 3:No, what a statement. I don't feel like lying to my children.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm talking about Brandon.
Speaker 2:Jesus is the reason for the season. Stand on major business.
Speaker 4:There you go, stand on business?
Speaker 1:No, no, obviously no. That's a very touchy subject for a lot of parents.
Speaker 4:You're the one that sends your kids into schools and has them break other kids' feelings about.
Speaker 3:Santa's not real. I can hear Gabe going into school now going dude there's no, santa Dude, wait, why Get a life?
Speaker 1:Do you actually believe that? Yeah, who told you that? Yeah, right, right, right.
Speaker 4:Your parents are liars and they suck.
Speaker 1:Wow, just kidding If you said that that'd be a whole mother discussion. But, sorry, gabe. Yeah Well, guys. So this is going to be a lot of fun. We want you guys to play along with us. We're going to do a quick Christmas movie quiz. All right, we're going to see how much John really knows about the whole Christmas movie scene. So, paul, if you want to give us a little bit of Christmas jingles just to kind of get in the mood here a little bit. Christmas jingles when we got my.
Speaker 3:Christmas jingles. There we go, oh, all right.
Speaker 4:So, paul, you're doing really good on the sound effects today, by the way, hey, hey, he did his homework, since last time I did. All right, can we turn that off? There we go. That was good enough, and now it's.
Speaker 1:Christmas All right. So, john, and again everybody listening, I want you guys to play along this first quote the best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear. What movie is that from?
Speaker 4:Um, elf, it is Elf. Yeah, very well done. Wow, I only guessed that because I think Elf and Santa Claus are the only movies I've seen from Christmas movies.
Speaker 3:Well, there you go.
Speaker 1:All right, here we go. Next one 1-0. All right, yeah, you're doing really good. So it's just the first question I appreciate that.
Speaker 4:I'm surprised you got one. Yeah, I'm like that.
Speaker 1:I'm him. You'll shoot your eye out, kid what. You'll shoot your eye out, kid. Uh, uh, pick a guess, any guess.
Speaker 3:Remember, it's a Christmas movie, jack Frost.
Speaker 1:Yep, that is actually from Sniper Santa.
Speaker 2:What is that yeah?
Speaker 4:But anyway.
Speaker 1:so what's Sniper, Santa Well, we'll all go over them all at the end, okay.
Speaker 2:Thank you.
Speaker 1:Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. Yes, nemo, christmas edition. I'm sorry, that is Angels in the Outfield. Oh Okay, so the next one is Merry Christmas, you Filthy Animal.
Speaker 4:Oh, that's a Christmas story. Close.
Speaker 1:But go ahead and. I'll give you that yeah, oh no, actually it's totally wrong. What that's actually?
Speaker 3:also, I'm just playing with you. Oh my God.
Speaker 1:That's also from Sniper Santa.
Speaker 3:Oh you, yeah, Maybe because that makes sense. I wanted you to make your holes up. Oh, I got one. Oh my gosh Okay.
Speaker 1:So, and here's the last one, john, so maybe a little redemption here. Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish. You better come out and stop me Home alone, I'm sorry. No, no, that's Santa. Baby got back, wow.
Speaker 4:Wait, Santa baby got back, santa's got back. Huh, is that a joke or is that a real thing?
Speaker 1:I do, I do.
Speaker 2:I do, I do, I do. Why am I?
Speaker 4:not laughing. I got why. Okay, john, john.
Speaker 1:I know you're all real Christmas movie quotes, but those are all the wrong answers. You did get the elf one right. I did give you that one, but all the other ones I completely made up those are all made up. There's no Christmas movie called Sniper Santa.
Speaker 4:I don't know. Sounds like a good plot?
Speaker 1:What is the backstory of Chris Crangle growing up in war and then every time before he pulls the trigger Merry Christmas, you filthy animal. No, Sniper Santa Like you would actually think that was a Christmas movie. Sniper, Santa Sure.
Speaker 4:I mean, he's got to be.
Speaker 3:Oh, this was so good.
Speaker 4:He's got to be pretty sleek to fit to the chimney and then 225 someone through the dome. Real quick Boom.
Speaker 1:And then let's see oh, Angels in the Outfield is a early 90s Disney movie Angels in the Outfield, angels in the Outfield.
Speaker 4:Yeah, was that a.
Speaker 1:Walt Disney special.
Speaker 2:Yes, a Disney.
Speaker 4:Yes, mm-hmm With Danny Glover I think Lauren thinks that Tyler is an Angel in the Outfield. Why is that? Because he's a baseball player, isn't that? Outfielder is a baseball Okay.
Speaker 1:Do you have a good transition? Sound for us. That's great transition sound effect. But yes, you actually got the last one right. What was it? The guys from Home Alone.
Speaker 4:Home Alone. That was the right one. I knew that one. I've seen that movie too, my boy.
Speaker 1:I had to give my made up answer to that. Santa Baby got back because it's just like Santa's eating junk and getting fat, oh I thought that meant he's got a thick rear end. Yeah, right, right, too much candy. Okay, there you go, okay.
Speaker 4:I'm with you on that. There we go. That deserves the sus sound effect.
Speaker 2:Moving on.
Speaker 4:Oh, Baby's got back.
Speaker 1:Santa Baby, uh-oh, benin the Junk.
Speaker 4:Christian podcast Christian podcast Good Thanks, my jokes were about to deviate from there.
Speaker 1:Paul, I am impressed.
Speaker 4:I'm very impressed. I am impressed.
Speaker 1:Okay, good, yeah, no, I need to call you out on that because, or encourage you because you are just like super fast on it now. I'm loving that. That's great stuff, All right. So, John, thanks for being a good uh sport about that. We just thought everybody might get a good kick out of that get a laugh out of that.
Speaker 4:All right, so I'm glad that I was able to be the joke of the day there.
Speaker 1:Now. So we've got these gifts and I don't know if I'm going to be able to get through the whole show with it, because I think John's super excited about this. You're super excited, aren't?
Speaker 4:you, I'm so excited, okay.
Speaker 1:All right, so let's we're not doing it now though, oh, not doing it now Are we doing it now.
Speaker 4:No, because I want to tell a story about it.
Speaker 3:You got to tell your story. Yeah, yeah, all right, what's your story? Just?
Speaker 4:Christmas. This is a big-.
Speaker 3:This is a serious Christmas now. This is a serious Christmas story. Can you transition seriously, Paul? I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, give us a serious transition.
Speaker 3:I don't have a serious transition.
Speaker 1:I mean there you go.
Speaker 2:Oh, yes, gotcha.
Speaker 4:Yeah, well, anyways, when you were talking about your kids, brandon, I was thinking about me as a kid when Christmas came around.
Speaker 4:One year I don't know how long ago it was, but me and mom and dad were coming back from our my aunt and uncle's house on Christmas day and it was like nine o'clock at night, cold outside you know the Christmas vibes, anyway.
Speaker 4:So we're on the road and on the side of the road was an old van and typically we ignore those because that's really creepy and you don't want to get close to that, especially if you're in Murphy'sboro Pike, but we're in Providence, so it's no big deal, anyways. So there was a lady outside of her van and she had the front of the car opened up and she was looking at the car and she had a bunch of kids walking around her and it's cold and all this. So dad and me and mom drove past and then dad was like hey, I don't know, I think the Holy Spirit's telling us to go back there and see if they're okay, it's Christmas. So we circled back and went over there to the car and just pulled up and you know, good thing me and mom were there too, because it would look you know super sus and weird, with just dad being like hey, you need help.
Speaker 1:Does your dad talk like?
Speaker 4:that. Well, sometimes if it's, you know if he's had too much turkey, but anyway. So we rolled down the window. We're like, hey, everything okay. And she was like, yeah, we ran out of gas and we're kind of stuck here, we're trying to call some people, but my family's all out of town and so we're like, well, we'll help you out. So, anyways, we went to the gas station, we got a gas can we filled up a gas and came back and filled up a car and it made her cry and we blessed her and prayed over her and stuff like that.
Speaker 4:But for me as a kid, to see that happen and experience all the stuff that I had before was in that day. I had food, I had gifts, I had time with family, I had time with friends, I had movies, I was comfortable, all this stuff. And here is this mom with like six kids and they're stuck on the side of the road, no gas on Christmas. You know, I can only imagine what their Christmas looked like previously in that day and all that.
Speaker 4:Seeing that as a kid and being reminded of that, that Christmas is a big deal for a lot of people and it's something that they get to enjoy stuff for themselves, but the fact of it is is that there's a lot of things that can really make a memory in you from Christmas, when you give away to others, and so I've had tons of Christmases where I got a lot of stuff or had a lot of the cool things happen to me, but I think this Christmas I remember the most because we gave away in such a sentimental and cool way and so, yeah, just as Christmas comes this is just something I was thinking about when you mention your kids and their perspectives of things this is something I remember as a kid is the giving and you know, being available to the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 4:When you see something like this, or when you get a feeling of, hey, I should go buy this person's groceries or I should go talk to this person or pray for this person or send a text or whatever, because sometimes for people Christmas is the loneliest season and it's a time where you're alone and you reflect and you don't have much to do when everybody else does, and so, yeah, I don't mean to get too deep into the weeks.
Speaker 3:No, that's good, that's cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, I think you brought up a really good point. Christmas in the holidays is probably the most lonely time for people out of the whole year.
Speaker 1:Because and I think, john, to your point and to your story I think it's really important for us as Christians to keep that in mind that we don't know what anybody's going through. All we see is the surface. We don't know backgrounds, we don't know family situations, we don't know anything. So, you know, trying to keep that in mind and reaching out to people and show them that we love them and that we care about them is just incredibly important during this time of year.
Speaker 3:So I think it's something we can all do. Yeah, and I think what we also need to do too is you know, we hear this a lot and we just gotta take it to heart during the season and is walking slowly through crowds. Just walk slowly and observe, true Observe, like what's going on, and follow the Holy Spirit when he's speaking to you, doing things, saying things Yep, because you never know, you could be at the right moment, at the right time to say the right thing and do the right thing and that could change a person's life instantaneously. I mean, it's incredible.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and we all know that like Christmas can be really, really, you know, expensive with all the gifts and the food and the parties and everything like that. But what we're talking about, I mean what you just said is, you know, just even encouraging word or a hug, or a smile.
Speaker 3:Something simple it doesn't cost anything to hug someone right To say an encouraging word.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I had the other night. I was at one of our young adults nights at church in Kairos and we I don't know what I was doing I was ordering coffee or something, hanging out with a couple of friends laughing and stuff, and all of a sudden I got this tap on my lower back and I was like what the heck, was that when, where, where where, where, where, here you go. I looked, yeah, there we go. And I was like, huh, paul. But it wasn't Paul, it was this is oh, my God.
Speaker 2:All right, I gotta. You wanna backtrack on this?
Speaker 4:one. No, no, I'm good, I gotta tell the story, but I'm just, I'm about to set myself up for failure and now that I've made jokes. But it was a nice little girl in a wheelchair who was behind me, okay, and I've never really met her or talked to her, but she's always smiling, she's always nice, and she just handed me a little Christmas card. I've never talked to her before, but I opened it when I got home and also it was just like hey, have a merry Christmas, I appreciate you and your family. And I was like, well, I don't even know this girl.
Speaker 4:But she was just nice enough to think about others, right.
Speaker 1:So Imagine too how much that would mean to someone, that I mean our life situations. I think all three of us, we can say we're very blessed and we're very thankful to be, where we are, but we feel very fortunate and it's obviously because of the Lord that we are where we are. But some people may not be as fortunate, so something like a card or even a text voicemail hey, are you thinking about your merry? Christmas.
Speaker 4:For me probably a simple note yes, no, our food for me.
Speaker 1:Our food for you. Yeah, paul, what's a note? What is that? What is that Paper pen?
Speaker 3:writing what.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:You mean text, you mean actually oh, that's texting right?
Speaker 3:I mean actually writing on a piece of paper with the pen a pen, you know the thing that has ink in it. Yeah, dad writes so many cards Do you write? Do you actually write?
Speaker 4:I should.
Speaker 2:It's more meaningful but I text and I leave.
Speaker 4:I like to leave voice messages and are the voice memos.
Speaker 2:I like talking.
Speaker 3:That sounds like a Gen Z kind of thing, yeah.
Speaker 4:I don't know, I feel like talking on a thing is better than writing something.
Speaker 1:He just likes hearing the sound of his own voice. Let's just be honest.
Speaker 4:I love the sound of my own voice.
Speaker 3:Well, there you go. Well, well, well, I keep hitting the wrong one.
Speaker 1:there it is, the whole Paul's back.
Speaker 2:We love welcome back. Welcome back, paul. It was good while it lasted.
Speaker 1:But no, I think that's super important and I think that's just something that we can all do in our daily lives. Everybody here listening yeah, just yeah. I'm sorry to cut you off. No, you did, but go ahead, I cut you. Yeah, I know I know, You're not really sorry.
Speaker 4:Forget your spiel. What I was gonna say, along the lines of what we're all saying, though, is, in this time of Christmas, holidays and stuff and you were probably about to say this, if I had to guess, I was Prayer requests If people have a prayer request, we want you to drop them in the comments. We want you to email us. Paul, can you hit us with the email again? What was that email?
Speaker 3:Info at missionmediagroupco.
Speaker 4:Yes.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 4:So email us comment. You know all the different ways to get in touch with this DMS Drop pericles cause. We're always praying, and so we can definitely lift yours up to prayer as well.
Speaker 1:And if you give us detail, we promise we will pray over it live on a podcast.
Speaker 4:And air all the details yes, just kidding and include names. I'm just kidding, don't do that.
Speaker 1:The juicier, the better. Yes please, no, we're totally kidding, but no, seriously, guys, we want you to take advantage of that and just know that we love you and that we will be praying with you for anything that you do send in. But all right, John, I see that. Look in your eye, it's the eye of the tiger.
Speaker 3:Rawr, Is it time it's.
Speaker 1:I think it's time. I think I know John's just foaming at the mouth. I know he's super excited, so let me set this up a little bit here. Folks, so this is probably a gift exchange that.
Speaker 2:You can fade out, paul, hey, hey, hey hey, you guys D-D-D-D-D-D-D-J.
Speaker 1:right, paul is a professional at his job and we love him for that. So I'm gonna set this up. This may be a gift exchange that you've probably never been a part of, so we're really excited that you get to be a part of this with us. So we all know that part of Christmas is buying great gifts for people closest to you to show them how much you love them. Right? I mean, we could all agree on that, but what we all know is that the MM podcast is the furthest thing from normal. So for Christmas, we wanna show each other how much we love each other by getting each other the worst gifts possible. So just kind of a little switch, you know, a little switcheroo on the gift exchange.
Speaker 4:You've heard of white elephant. Well, this is black elephant. Why is it?
Speaker 1:not. Why is it gotta be black? I don't know, I'm just serious, what. I'm sorry, paul, I'm just serious.
Speaker 3:I'm just serious. What this is called a purple elephant. How about that Mixed? Mixed, there you go.
Speaker 1:So the way that we have set this up is is that I bought for Paul, paul's gonna buy, or did buy it for John, and then John and bought for me.
Speaker 4:Well, we'll find out shortly. I don't think he bought Pretty sure. I saw him digging in his dumpster a few minutes ago.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I went outside and then the trash can, the brown trash, can I dug something out?
Speaker 1:See. So, paul, I went so cheap, I'll go ahead and start, and then, paul, you can go for John and John, supposedly John is super excited about this.
Speaker 3:Let me go last. You wanna go last?
Speaker 2:Yes, because I have something for both of you. Oh okay, so do I, though.
Speaker 1:Hmm, how about I go first? Okay?
Speaker 4:well, I say I have a gift for both of you, but honestly, the gift that I got pairs well with each other.
Speaker 3:So if you combo the two, they actually make the gift, so we have to walk around with each other. No, what, what, huh?
Speaker 4:What I'm saying is the gift.
Speaker 2:I don't know what I'm saying anymore, but the gift combo is really well together.
Speaker 4:It pairs well, so it could be. I'll just give one person a gift. I'm gonna shut up.
Speaker 1:Brand new talk For all the people listening. I'm confused too.
Speaker 4:So I was home school, thanks mom no.
Speaker 1:So here's what we're gonna do. I guess I'll just start it off and then, Paul, if you wanna go last, you can go last then so John you go second. Okay, okay, all right, here we go. So, since I didn't understand the reasoning, but all right. So, paul, why don't you go ahead and stick out your hand Now? I?
Speaker 2:promise you can trust me, you know what I'm about to do with what? No, I got him got him All right.
Speaker 1:so, Paul, I'm gonna ask you, you can trust me. Okay, I do need you to close your eyes. Okay, now listen, I will not. I got sound.
Speaker 3:control you know how he's under the controls now.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I promise it's nothing slamming, nothing gross. I was too lazy to wrap this, so that's the only reason why you're closing your eyes and holding that chain.
Speaker 3:Okay, please keep your eyes closed. Eyes are closed.
Speaker 1:Okay, all right, now you may open your eyes.
Speaker 3:Can I guess it? Oh yeah, sure, go ahead and guess. Yeah, yeah, go ahead and guess. That's what we need to do. Yeah, it's closed.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, guess, let's guess.
Speaker 3:All right, this feels like this actually feels like a can of tuna fish.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 3:Am I right Can?
Speaker 1:I open my eyes.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you can open your eyes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, sorry, that's the wrong button.
Speaker 3:So take cat food, yeah technically cat food, Kind of tuna fish? Yeah, absolutely. You got cat food Thank you Now why did you get a cat food.
Speaker 1:Well, do you have a cat?
Speaker 4:No.
Speaker 1:Well, you now have a reason to get a cat.
Speaker 3:My daughter has cats that live outside, so I'll give this to her.
Speaker 4:Oh, actually, I didn't get groceries, do you mind? Oh, yeah, sure.
Speaker 3:Thank you, you can use that. I'll take it. Actually he's hungry. He's a hungry guy now. He's living on his own.
Speaker 4:Free food is really good, so I'll take it Was that friskies.
Speaker 3:What was that? Friskies? I can be a cat.
Speaker 1:Oh, no, that's tasteful.
Speaker 4:Tasteful blue. It's blue tuna Do you have a cat.
Speaker 3:No, no, I'm actually.
Speaker 1:I'm allergic to cats.
Speaker 3:I am too, but where'd you get?
Speaker 1:that from oh well, then, it's perfect for you.
Speaker 3:No, but seriously, where'd you get the cat? You don't have a cat.
Speaker 1:No, I know, I went to Kroger and bought it you actually went to Kroger I actually went to the store for my gift as well.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I didn't, I kinda did Go on, you're just keep going.
Speaker 1:Is it my turn?
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's all you, buddy, Okay so I'm giving you a gift now. Okay, right, isn't that?
Speaker 2:for you, yes, sure why not?
Speaker 4:I mean, both of y'all would actually really enjoy this gift. I just wanna preface again that this gift I'll try and communicate what I was saying earlier, but these two things these two things I got.
Speaker 3:I think you tried already once they combo. Well, it failed miserably.
Speaker 4:All right, all right, they pair well, I'll just say that. So I actually wrapped mine in a gift bag.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so let me explain this.
Speaker 3:Describe what it looks like it's a silver bag. Yes oh yes, it's a really nicely blue tissue paper sticking out of the top.
Speaker 4:Here at Lowe's, we offer you a silver bag with some anyways. Yes, this bag.
Speaker 2:Okay, he's passing it down.
Speaker 4:But open it don't close your eyes while you close.
Speaker 3:She has to guess what it is. Oh, don't forget your drink.
Speaker 1:No, she has to guess what it is. I always keep the lid on, oh, always.
Speaker 2:No cap.
Speaker 1:Feel into the bag. Okay, feeling into the bag. Okay, pulling out. It feels like some kind of salad dressing or some kind of bottle with dressing would be my guess. All right, I'm reaching into the bag for something else. Okay, it feels like an ornament or some kind of Sniff it you gotta sniff it, okay, no, I'm not gonna do that. Let's cross, all right, you really want me to smell it? I think so.
Speaker 4:Okay, all right my eyes are so closed. Yep, can just sniff, get a good whiff. Smell, smell anything, that's fire. Keep smelling it. Is it supposed to smell like something? What?
Speaker 3:Oh no. No, he's not, You're just making me smell, for no reason. I'm just making you cross me less. Oh my God.
Speaker 2:Get wrecked, get conquered, put it in your mouth.
Speaker 4:Okay, no, okay. So can I open my eyes now? Can I open his eyes? Yeah?
Speaker 1:Okay, wow. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a Disney Princess Aurora for ages three plus, brought to you by Disney, and it's just a little toy. It's probably about, I would say, three, four inches big and tell them what it comes with. Oh, a bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing. Yeah, there we go.
Speaker 3:Prepare to go. They go together. How again? Yeah, how do these go to explain that.
Speaker 4:Say it's Friday long night out with the boys. Every boy is. It's cool, Just imagine with me. All right, this is going nowhere fast. Let's say that all the guys are alcoholics, but we're not Clearly admission men were not alcoholics. But, now I've given you a substitute to alcohol, and that's ranch and a Barbie doll.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 3:And then oh wait as you want. Wait, wait. I have so many more questions.
Speaker 1:No, let's dive into this. Hold on, we need to really dive in, okay long now, I mean four hours long. Okay, john, explain to me how. First, all that even is comparable to alcoholism, or I? I'm very lost.
Speaker 4:Okay, I don't know, but I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this. Just trust me on the fact that if you use the Barbie doll in the ranch and Eat the ranch off of the Barbie dolls hair, it's an out-of-the-world flavor texture and you know this because I'm super scared. Well, it's moving on, gentlemen, that's a fire gift right there and I spent literally so much money on that.
Speaker 1:John, your girlfriend must be really lucky. That's all I got to tell you trust me, she gets tons of ranch and dolls.
Speaker 2:We were along.
Speaker 3:I have something for both of you. Oh, I'll do it. I'll do it separately.
Speaker 4:Okay, she calls me the hidden Valley Master. Okay.
Speaker 1:John, we have moved on. Brandon. Okay, this for me go for it Okay, all right. So what I've got in front of me is a little small rectangular box. I'm currently pulling out my keys. You want ranch.
Speaker 3:You gotta keep your eyes closed though.
Speaker 1:Okay, all right, so I'm now opening the box, even wrapped it with some kind of masking tape or duct tape or something. Okay, it feels like candy. Yeah, there's something else in there, oh okay, so this feels like matches or something. Did you throw, matt, I'm guessing? Is this trash, paul? Are these leftover Halloween candy? I still have not opened my eyes.
Speaker 1:I'm feeling around, I'm just gonna start taking stuff out, okay, and so, john, do you have your eyes open? Yes, so you're seeing this. Um, okay, a lot of things, okay, so, paul, is there anything else that I'm missing?
Speaker 3:though You're not missing anything. I think it's fentanyl.
Speaker 1:Okay, so can I open my you can open your eyes.
Speaker 4:Okay, go well with range too.
Speaker 1:So this is a lot of great candy and Halloween candy and this is the best part. This is. This is really good. Some invite five to Joy Church cards Nice.
Speaker 3:Yes, I had to put the Joy Church plug in there, so I'm gonna wait.
Speaker 4:Absolutely but you have to invite five people earlier. You did tell us it was from your trash, though.
Speaker 2:No it was, the candy was for the tracks, but that was from how the.
Speaker 3:Kelling was truly from Halloween.
Speaker 4:Yes, yes we can't get rid of it. No well, I'll take Brandon. Can I split that? You can have it. You can have the whole thing, buddy. Thanks bro, I appreciate that. Give me some of that ranch while you're at it.
Speaker 2:Oh, this is for me.
Speaker 4:Thanks, I'm just excited I get to like ASMR, open a box just like my prime.
Speaker 3:John, here we go.
Speaker 4:You ready? I wait.
Speaker 1:So right now, john, I'll Narrate here, so he has pulled out his pocket knife, but I have to keep my eyes. Well yeah, cut it, open it first with your eyes open, so that way don't open it at all. Just cut it, I won't, I won't, okay. So he's currently sliding the knife in and out, opening the Amazon box. Oh no, he just took his finger out. Oh no, no, just kidding.
Speaker 2:Just shoot your eye. I got more of those.
Speaker 1:But anyway, so he is currently opening taking his.
Speaker 3:You got one, you got one, you didn't open there, you got right there, all right click. Keep your eyes, not pleasure eyes.
Speaker 4:You didn't want me to get in this box.
Speaker 1:You're like yes of UPS, All right so now the box is open, john is closing his eyes. He is very much taking his time and he's looking away. Eyes are still, I like what this feels like.
Speaker 4:Okay, this feels good, okay, so he is opening the box.
Speaker 1:It's taking a very long time. Oh, some paper and Robin noodles.
Speaker 3:Noodles. We have to tell you a ramen noodle thing that you you just had ramen noodles like for the first time. Yeah, I've never had ramen two weeks before.
Speaker 4:I was gonna get you ramen noodles, were you really but then I was like he might get me some actually yes. I got sus about.
Speaker 3:John's first experience of ramen noodles was during our first podcast. Yes, he ate them for the first time.
Speaker 4:Yes and John, what was that like? I mean Great honestly. Yeah, this is funny, though. My roommate Nate is like a big health freak. Yeah so he looks like every ingredient.
Speaker 4:It's really helpful actually because, yeah, I know what I'm eating now, thanks to him and not thanks to him, because he told me what's in ramen noodles, correct? He was like. He put his hand on my shoulder he said John, please don't eat these again, this is not good for you. And I was like, are you serious? I thought there's nothing in here besides, like you know, 1200 grams of salt. So, anyways, it's fire.
Speaker 2:I like thank you, paul.
Speaker 3:This is not a gag gift. This is a good gift. Take it home and enjoy. Well, now you know like, and now you have a gift for Nate.
Speaker 4:Yeah, for Christmas. There you go, there you go Awesome.
Speaker 3:So I gotta wrap this up. Yeah, well, he's, we have to leave, yeah, probably how long is the bid?
Speaker 1:how long we've been talking Paul? 35 minutes. Holy cow, you guys got a Christmas sized.
Speaker 4:Christmas, as bonus time flies when you got ranch.
Speaker 1:Okay, anyways.
Speaker 4:John's still on ranch. So yeah, that ranch and this cat food might actually taste pretty fire.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's okay, do it right now. No, do it, I'm not about it. Okay, all right, let's play that out. Music John, go for it, oh, oh.
Speaker 4:Thank you for watching tuning in listening.
Speaker 2:Oh, thanks listening.
Speaker 4:Thanks for listening and we're glad you came and we hope you learned a lot of valuable lessons. And I don't know why my voice changes when I say this line, but Thanks for coming and go out and be men and women, or, and Brandon, please stop laughing at me. It's very embarrassing and I love you guys, we love you guys, and stay tuned for the next one.
Speaker 1:We'll see you later Hold on before we end this. Why does John sound like? It's a sunny day out here in Los Angeles 73, 73 degrees and one more shot at it.
Speaker 4:I mean, if you guys want me to.
Speaker 3:Let's do it one more, one more I have.
Speaker 4:I have an idea. One more, one more. This is a special long video for Christmas Video.
Speaker 2:You're on thank you guys for watching today's podcast, and this is a special outro from King Julian himself. We hope that you go out and be mission, men and women, and please stay tuned for the next fire episode. We can't wait to see you. Oh, I'm going to go sniff Brandon's feet. Brandon, come here, buddy Christmas to your toes here.
Speaker 4:Here's a ranch. Okay, that's, that's got a.